Author: Gianluca Guerra

  • Basket Bonds: The way to a diversified investment

    12 December 2023
    Introduction The geopolitical events, that are involving the world economy in recent years, have made increasingly important the access to…
  • Real Estate Crowdfunding – A modern investment opportunity

    29 November 2023
    Introduction In recent years, investments in the real estate market have experienced a strong global growth and this sector is…
  • Security Tokenization

    24 November 2023
    Introduction The process of tokenization of financial securities involves converting traditional financial assets, such as stocks and bonds, but also…
  • Safe-Haven Assets and the Timeless Appeal of Gold

    17 November 2023
    Introduction In a scenario where the stock market is impacted by a geopolitical conflict, leading to a decrease in yields,…
  • Social Impact Bonds (SIBs)

    15 November 2023
    Introduction In recent years, the public and private sectors have changed like never before. On one hand the changing world…
  • Green Bonds

    10 November 2023
    Introduction Over the past few decades, there has been a growing recognition of the urgent need to address environmental challenges,…
  • Infrastracture Investments

    10 November 2023
    Introduction Infrastructure, often referred to as the backbone of modern civilization, encompasses a vast array of assets and systems, including…
  • Democratization of Finance

    31 October 2023
    Introduction Historically, access to financial markets, investments, and wealth-building tools has been limited to a privileged few, leaving many individuals…
  • ETHICAL FINANCE – Does being ‘ethical’ mean having to compromise?

    31 October 2023
    Introduction Today, customers pay significant attention to the ethical processes employed by businesses when making purchasing decisions. There is an…
  • Investment Opportunities in the film industry

    29 October 2023
    Introduction The film industry, a dynamic field of content creation and distribution, is experiencing a profound transformation. The convergence of…